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Torrey's New Topical Textbook
As administered by John Mt 3:5-12; Joh 3:23; Ac 13:24; 19:4.
Sanctioned by Christ's submission to it Mt 3:13-15; Lu 3:21.
Adopted by Christ Joh 3:22; 4:1,2.
Appointed an ordinance of the Christian church Mt 28:19,20; Mr 16:15,16.
To be administered in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Mt 28:19.
Water, the outward and visible sign in Ac 8:36; 10:47.
Regeneration, the inward and spiritual grace of Joh 3:3,5,6; Ro 6:3,4,11.
Remission of sins, signified by Ac 2:38; 22:16.
Unity of the Church effected by 1Co 12:13; Ga 3:27,28.
Confession of sin necessary to Mt 3:6.
Repentance necessary to Ac 2:38.
Faith necessary to Ac 8:37; 18:8.
There is but one Eph 4:5.
Administered to
Administered by immersing the whole body of the person in water Mt 3:16; Ac 8:38,39.
Emblematic of the influences of the Holy Spirit Mt 3:11; Tit 3:5.
Typified 1Co 10:2; 1Pe 3:20,21.
Baptism With the Holy Spirit.
Bear, The.
Beard, The.
Created by God Ge 1:24,25; 2:19.
Creation of, exhibits God's power Jer 27:5.
Made for the praise and glory of God Ps 148:10.
Differ in flesh from birds and fishes 1Co 15:39.
Herb of the field given to, for food Ge 1:30.
Power over, given to man Ge 1:26,28; Ps 8:7.
Instinctively fear man Ge 9:2.
Received their names from Adam Ge 2:19,20.
Given to man for food after the flood Ge 9:3.
Not to be eaten alive or with blood Ge 9:4; De 12:16,23.
That died naturally or were torn, not to be eaten Ex 22:31; Le 17:15; 22:8.
Supply clothing to man Ge 3:21; Job 31:20.
The property of God Ps 50:10.
Subjects of God's care Ps 36:6; 104:10,11.
Described as
Many kinds of, noisome and destructive Le 26:6; Eze 5:17.
Many kinds of, domestic Ge 36:6; 45:17.
Lessons of wisdom to be learned from Job 12:7.
Found in
Habitations of
Liable to diseases Ex 9:3.
Frequently suffered on account of the sins of men Joe 1:18,20; Hag 1:11.
Often cut off for the sins of men Ge 6:7; 7:23; Ex 11:5; Ho 4:3.
Early distinguished into clean and unclean Ge 7:2.
No likeness of, to be worshipped De 4:17.
Representations of, worshipped by the heathen Ro 1:23.
History of, written by Solomon 1Ki 4:33.
Often used as instruments of punishment Le 26:22; De 32:24; Jer 15:3; Eze 5:17.
Man by nature no better than Ec 3:18,19.
Illustrative of
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