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Denial of Christ.

Desert, Journey of Israel Through The.

Through the Red Sea  Ex 14:22,29.
Faith exhibited in passing.  Heb 11:29.
Pharaoh and his host destroyed.  Ex 14:23-28; Ps 106:11.
Israel's song of praise.  Ex 15:1-21; Ps 106:12.
Through the wilderness of Shur or Etham  Ex 15:22; Nu 33:8.
To Marah  Ex 15:23; Nu 33:8.
Murmuring of the people on account of bitter water.  Ex 15:24.
Water sweetened.  Ex 15:25.
To Elim  Ex 15:27; Nu 33:9.
By the Red Sea  Nu 33:10.
Through the wilderness of Sin  Ex 16:1; Nu 33:11.
Murmuring for bread.  Ex 16:2,3.
Quails given for one night.  Ex 16:8,12,13.
Manna sent.  Ex 16:4,8,16-31.
To Dophkah  Nu 33:12.
To Alush  Nu 33:13.
To Rephidim  Ex 17:1; Nu 33:14.
Murmuring for water.  Ex 17:2,3.
Water brought from the rock.  Ex 17:5,6.
Called Massah and Meribah.  Ex 17:7.
Amalek opposes Israel.  Ex 17:8.
Amalek overcome.  Ex 17:9-13.
To Mount Sinai  Ex 19:1,2; Nu 33:15.
Jethro's visit.  Ex 18:1-6.
Judges appointed.  Ex 18:14-26; De 1:9-15.
Moral law given.  Ex 19:3; 20:1-26.
Covenant made.  Ex 24:3-8.
Moral law written on tables.  Ex 31:18.
Order for making the tabernacle, &c.  Ex 24:1-27:21.
Tribe of Levi taken instead of the first-born.  Nu 3:11-13.
Aaron and his sons selected for priesthood.  Ex 28:1-29:46; Nu 3:1-3,10.
Levites set apart.  Nu 3:5-9.
Golden calf made.  Ex 32:1,4.
Tables of testimony broken.  Ex 32:19.
People punished for idolatry.  Ex 32:25-29,35.
God's glory shown to Moses.  Ex 33:18-23; 34:5-8.
The tables of testimony renewed.  Ex 34:1-4,27-29; De 10:1-5.
Tabernacle first set up.  Ex 40:1-38.
Nadab and Abihu destroyed for offering strange fire.  Le 10:1,2; Nu 3:4.
Passover first commemorated.  Nu 9:1-5.
Second numbering of the people.  Nu 1:1-46; Ex 38:25,26.
To Kibrothhattaavah  Nu 33:16.
Complaining punished by fire.  Nu 11:1-3.
Called Taberah.  Nu 11:3.
Murmuring of the mixed multitude and of Israel, for flesh.  Nu 11:4-9.
Flesh promised.  Nu 11:10-15,18-23.
Seventy elders appointed to assist Moses.  Nu 11:16,17,24-30.
Quails sent for a month.  Nu 11:19,20,31,32.
Their murmuring punished.  Nu 11:33; Ps 78:30,31.
Why called Kibrothhattaavah.  Nu 11:34.
To Hazeroth  Nu 11:35; 33:17.
Aaron and Miriam envy Moses.  Nu 12:1,2.
Miriam punished by leprosy.  Nu 12:10.
Delayed seven day for Miriam.  Nu 12:14,15.
To Kadeshbarnea in wilderness of Rithmah or Paran  De 1:19; Nu 32:8; 12:16; 33:18.
The people anxious to have the land of Canaan searched.  De 1:22.
Moses commanded to send spies.  Nu 13:1,2.
Persons selected as spies.  Nu 13:3-16.
Spies sent.  Jos 14:7; Nu 13:17-20.
Spies bring back evil report.  Nu 13:26-33.
The people terrified and rebel.  Nu 14:1-4.
Punishment for rebellion.  Nu 14:26,35; 32:11-13; De 1:35,36,40.
Guilty spies slain by plague.  Nu 14:36,37.
People smitten by Amalek for going up without the Lord.  Nu 14:40-45; De 1:41-44.
Returned by the way to the Red Sea  Nu 14:25; De 1:40; 2:1.
Sabbath breaker stoned.  Nu 15:32-36.
Rebellion of Korah.  Nu 16:1-19.
Korah, &c punished.  Nu 16:30-35.
Plague sent.  Nu 16:41-46.
Plague stayed.  Nu 16:47-50.
God's choice of Aaron confirmed.  Nu 17:1-13.
To Rimmonparez  Nu 33:19.
To Libnah or Laban  Nu 33:20; De 1:1.
To Rissah  Nu 33:21.
To Kehelathah  Nu 33:22.
To Mount Shapher  Nu 33:23.
To Haradah  Nu 33:24.
To Makheloth  Nu 33:25.
To Tahath  Nu 33:26.
To Tarah  Nu 33:37.
To Mithcah  Nu 33:28.
To Hashmonah  Nu 33:29.
To Moseroth or Mosera  Nu 33:30.
To Horhagidgad or GudGodah  Nu 33:32; De 10:7.
To Jotbathah or land of rivers  Nu 33:33; De 10:7.
Several of these stations probably revisited  De 10:6,7; Nu 33:30-32.
To Ebronah  Nu 33:34.
To Eziongaber  Nu 33:35.
To Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin  Nu 20:1; 33:36; Jdj 11:16.
Miriam dies and is buried.  Nu 20:1.
Second murmuring for water.  Nu 20:2-6.
Moses striking the rock instead of speaking to it, disobeys God.  Nu 20:7-11.
Moses and Aaron punished.  Nu 20:12.
Called Meribah to commemorate the murmuring.  Nu 20:13; 27:14.
Orders given respecting Edom.  De 2:3-6.
The king of Edom refuses a passage.  Nu 20:14-21; Jdj 11:17.
To Mount Hor  Nu 20:22; 33:37.
Aaron dies.  Nu 20:28,29; 33:38,39.
Arad conquered.  Nu 21:1-3; 33:40.
Called Hormah.  Nu 21:2,3.
To Zalmonah  Nu 33:41.
Murmuring of the people.  Nu 21:4,5.
Fiery serpents sent.  Nu 21:6.
Brazen serpent raised up.  Nu 21:7-9.
To Punon  Nu 33:42.
To Oboth  Nu 21:10; 33:43.
To Ijeabarim before Moab  Nu 21:11; 33:44.
Orders given respecting Moab.  De 2:8,9.
TO ZARED OR DIBON-GAD  Nu 21:12; 33:45.
To Almondiblathaim  Nu 33:46.
Across the brook Zered  De 2:13.
Time occupied in going from Kadeshbarnea to this station.  De 2:14.
Order to pass through Ar.  De 2:18.
Orders given respecting Ammon.  De 2:19.
Across the arnon  Nu 21:13-15; De 2:24.
To beer or the well  Nu 21:16.
To Mattanah  Nu 21:18.
To Nahaliel  Nu 21:19.
To Bamoth  Nu 21:19.
To the mountains of Abarim  Nu 21:20; 33:47.
The Amorites refuse a passage to Israel.  Nu 21:21-23; De 2:26-30.
Sihon conquered.  Nu 21:23-32; De 2:32-36.
Og conquered.  Nu 21:33-35; De 3:1-11.
Reubenites, &c obtained the land taken from the Amorites.  Nu 32:1-42; De 3:12-17.
Return to the plains of Moab  Nu 22:1; 33:48,49.
Balak sends for Balaam.  Nu 22:5,6,15-17.
Balaam not permitted to curse Israel.  Nu 22:9-41; 23:1-24:25.
Israel seduced to idolatry, &c by advice of Balaam.  Nu 25:1-3; Re 2:14.
Israel punished.  Nu 25:5,9.
Third numbering.  Nu 26:1-62.
All formerly numbered over twenty years old, except Caleb and Joshua, dead.  Nu 26:63-65; 14:29.
The law of female inheritance settled.  Nu 27:1-11; 36:1-9.
Appointment of Joshua.  Nu 27:15-23.
Midianites destroyed and Balaam slain.  Nu 31:1-54; 25:17,18.
The law rehearsed.  De 1:3.
The law written by Moses.  De 31:9.
Moses beholds Canaan.  De 34:1-4.
Moses dies and is buried.  De 34:5,6.
Joshua ordered to cross Jordan.  Jos 1:2.
Two spies sent to Jericho.  Jos 2:1.
Across the river Jordan  Jos 4:10.
Illustrative of the pilgrimage of the church  Song 8:5; 1Pe 1:17.

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