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Torrey's New Topical Textbook
Emblems of the Holy Spirit, The.
Oil Ps 45:7.
Healing. Lu 10:34; Re 3:18.
Comforting. Isa 61:3; Heb 1:9.
Illuminating. Mt 25:3,4; 1Jo 2:20,27.
Consecrating. Ex 29:7; 30:30; Isa 61:1.
Rain and dew Ps 72:6.
Fertilising. Eze 34:26,27; Ho 6:3; 10:12; 14:5.
Refreshing. Ps 68:9; Isa 18:5.
Abundant. Ps 133:3.
Imperceptible. 2Sa 17:12; Mr 4:26-28.
A dove Mt 3:16.
Gentle. Mt 10:16; Ga 5:22.
A voice Isa 6:8.
Speaking. Mt 10:20.
Guiding. Isa 30:21; Joh 16:13.
Warning. Heb 3:7-11.
A seal Re 7:2.
Securing. Eph 1:13,14; 4:30.
Authenticating. Joh 6:27; 2Co 1:22.
Cloven tongues Ac 2:3,6-11.
Often great Ge 21:8; Da 5:1; Lu 5:29.
Given on occasions of
Preparations made for Ge 18:6,7; Pr 9:2; Mt 22:4; Lu 15:23.
Kinds of, mentioned in scripture
Under the direction of a master of the feast Joh 2:8,9.
Served often by hired servants Mt 22:13; Joh 2:5.
Served often by members of the family Ge 18:8; Lu 10:40; Joh 12:2.
Invitations to
Often given in
Guests at
Forwardness to take chief seats at, condemned Mt 23:6; Lu 14:7,8.
A choice portion reserved in, for principal guests Ge 43:34; 1Sa 1:5; 9:23,24.
Custom of presenting the sop at, to one of the guests, alluded to Joh 13:26.
Portions of, often sent to the absent 2Sa 11:8; Ne 8:10; Es 9:19.
Offence given by refusing to go to Lu 14:18,24.
Anxiety to have many guests at, alluded to Lu 14:22,23.
Men and women did not usually meet at Es 1:8,9; Mr 6:21; Mt 14:11.
None admitted to, after the master had risen and shut the door Lu 13:24,25.
Began with thanksgiving 1Sa 9:13; Mr 8:6.
Concluded with a hymn Mr 14:26.
None asked to eat or drink more than he liked at Es 1:8.
Music and dancing often introduced at Am 6:5; Mr 6:22; Lu 15:25.
Often scenes of great intemperance 1Sa 25:36; Da 5:3,4; Ho 7:5.
Given by the guests in return Job 1:4; Lu 14:12.
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