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Torrey's New Topical Textbook
Ephod, The.
The emblem of the priestly office Ho 3:4.
Worn by
For the high priest
Commanded to be made. Ex 28:4.
Made of offerings of the people. Ex 25:4,7.
Made of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, &c. Ex 28:6; 29:2,3.
Shoulders of, joined by onyx stones engraved with names of the twelve tribes of Israel. Ex 28:7,9-12; 39:4,6,7.
Had a girdle of curious work. Ex 28:8.
Breastplate of judgment inseparably united to. Ex 28:25-28; 39:20,21.
Worn over the robe. Ex 28:31; Le 8:7.
Fastened on with its own girdle. Le 8:7.
Worn or held by him when consulted. 1Sa 23:6,9-12; 30:7,8.
Used by idolatrous priests. Jdj 8:27; 17:5; 18:14.
Israel deprived of, for sin. Ho 3:4.
Ephraim, Tribe Of.
Descended from Joseph's second son adopted by Jacob Ge 41:52; 48:5.
Predictions respecting Ge 48:20; De 33:13-17.
Persons selected from
Strength of, on leaving Egypt Nu 1:32,33.
Led the third division of Israel Nu 10:22.
Encamped west of the tabernacle Nu 2:18.
Offering of, at the dedication Nu 7:48-53.
Families of Nu 26:35,36.
Strength of, on entering Canaan Nu 26:37.
On Gerizim, said amen to blessings De 27:12.
Bounds of its inheritance Jos 16:5-9.
Could not drive out the Canaanites but made them tributary Jos 16:10; Jdj 1:29.
Remonstrated with Gideon for not calling them sooner against Midian Jdj 8:1-3.
Quarrelled with Jephthah for not seeking their aid against Ammon Jdj 12:1-4.
Defeated and many slain Jdj 12:5,6.
Some of, at coronation of David 1Ch 12:30.
Officers appointed over, by David 1Ch 27:10,20.
The leading tribe of the kingdom of Israel Isa 7:2-17; Jer 31:9,20.
Many of, joined Judah under Asa 2Ch 15:9.
Many of, joined in Hezekiah's passover and reformation 2Ch 30:18; 31:1.
The tabernacle continued a long time in Shiloh, a city of Jos 18:1; 19:51.
One of Jeroboam's calves set up in Bethel, a city of 1Ki 12:29.
Remarkable persons of
Euphrates, The.
Evening, The.
Example of Christ, The.
Excellency and Glory of Christ, The.
As God Joh 1:1-5; Php 2:6,9,10.
As the Son of God Mt 3:17; Heb 1:6,8.
As one with the Father Joh 10:30,38.
As the First-born Col 1:15,18.
As the First-begotten Heb 1:6.
As Lord of lords, &c Re 17:14.
As the image of God Col 1:15; Heb 1:3.
As creator Joh 1:3; Col 1:16; Heb 1:2.
As the Blessed of God Ps 45:2.
As Mediator 1Ti 2:5; Heb 8:6.
As Prophet De 18:15,16; Ac 3:22.
As Priest Ps 110:4; Heb 4:15.
As King Isa 6:1-5; Joh 12:41.
As Judge Mt 16:27; 25:31,33.
As Shepherd Isa 40:10,11; Joh 10:11,14.
As Head of the Church Eph 1:22.
As the true Light Lu 1:78,79; Joh 1:4,9.
As the foundation of the Church Isa 28:16.
As the way Joh 14:6; Heb 10:19,20.
As the truth 1Jo 5:20; Re 3:7.
As the life Joh 11:25; Col 3:4; 1Jo 5:11.
As incarnate Joh 1:14.
In his words Lu 4:22; Joh 7:46.
In his works Mt 13:54; Joh 2:11.
In his sinless perfection Heb 7:26-28.
In the fulness of his grace and truth Ps 45:2; Joh 1:14.
In his transfiguration Mt 17:2; 2Pe 1:16-18.
In his exaltation Ac 7:55,56; Eph 1:21.
In the calling of the Gentiles Ps 72:17; Joh 12:21,23.
In the restoration of the Jews Ps 102:16.
In his triumph Isa 63:1-3; Re 19:11,16.
Followed his sufferings 1Pe 1:10,11.
Followed his resurrection 1Pe 1:21.
Is unchangeable Heb 1:10-12.
Is incomparable Song 5:10; Php 2:9.
Imparted to saints Joh 17:22; 2Co 3:18.
Celebrated by the redeemed Re 5:8-14; 7:9-12.
Revealed in the gospel Isa 40:5.
Saints shall rejoice at the revelation of 1Pe 4:13.
Saints shall behold, in heaven Joh 17:24.
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