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Torrey's New Topical Textbook
Feast of the Passover, The.
Ordained by God Ex 12:1,2.
Commenced the fourteenth of the first month at even Ex 12:2,6,18; Le 23:5; Nu 9:3.
Lasted seven days Ex 12:15; Le 23:6.
Called the
All males to appear at Ex 23:17; De 16:16.
Paschal lamb eaten first day of Ex 12:6,8.
Unleavened bread eaten at Ex 12:15; De 16:3.
First and last days of, holy convocations Ex 12:16; Nu 28:18,25.
Sacrifices during Le 23:8; Nu 28:19-24.
The first sheaf of barley harvest offered the day after the Sabbath in Le 23:10-14.
To commemorate the
To be perpetually observed during the Mosaic age Ex 12:14; 13:10.
Children to be taught the nature and design of Ex 12:26,27; 13:8.
Purification necessary to the due observance of 2Ch 30:15-19; Joh 11:55.
Might be kept in the second month by those who were unclean at the appointed time Nu 9:6-11; 2Ch 30:2,3,15.
No uncircumcised person to keep Ex 12:43,45.
Strangers and servants when circumcised might keep Ex 12:44,48.
Neglect of, punished with death Nu 9:13.
Improper keeping of, punished 2Ch 30:18,20.
Remarkable celebrations of
Moses kept through faith Heb 11:28.
Christ always observed Mt 26:17-20; Lu 22:15; Joh 2:13,23.
The people of Jerusalem lent their rooms to strangers for Lu 22:11,12.
The Lord's Supper instituted at Mt 26:26-28.
Custom of releasing a prisoner at Mt 27:15; Lu 23:16,17.
The Sabbath in, a high day Joh 19:31.
The day before the Sabbath in, called the preparation Joh 19:14,31.
Illustrative of redemption through Christ 1Co 5:7,8.
Feasts of Trumpets, The.
Feasts, the Anniversary.
Feet, The.
Necessary members of the body 1Co 12:15,21.
Parts of, mentioned in scripture
Often swift 2Sa 2:18; 22:34.
Were liable to
Early use of shoes Ex 12:11.
Of women often adorned with tingling ornaments Isa 3:16,18.
Of the Jews
Stamped on the ground in extreme joy or grief Eze 6:11; 25:6.
Washing for others, a menial office 1Sa 25:41; Joh 13:5-14.
Of strangers and travellers washed Ge 18:4; 19:2; 24:32; 1Ti 5:10.
Neglect of washing, disrespectful to guest Lu 7:44.
Respect exhibited by falling at 1Sa 25:24; 2Ki 4:37; Es 8:3; Mr 5:22; Ac 10:25.
Reverence expressed by kissing Lu 7:38,45.
Sleep expressed by covering 1Sa 24:3.
Subjection expressed by licking the dust of Isa 49:23.
Condemnation expressed by shaking the dust from Mt 10:14; Mr 6:11.
Subjugation of enemies expressed by placing on their necks Jos 10:24; Ps 110:1.
Origin of uncovering in consecrated places Ex 3:5; Jos 5:15.
Of enemies often maimed and cut off Jdj 1:6,7; 2Sa 4:12.
Of criminals
Path of, to be pondered Pr 4:26.
To be refrained from evil Pr 1:15; Heb 12:13.
To be turned to God's testimonies Ps 119:59.
To be directed by God's word Ps 119:105.
To be guided by wisdom and discretion Pr 3:21,23,26.
Of the wicked
Of saints
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