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Torrey's New Topical Textbook
Hair, The.
Hands, The.
Necessary members of the body 1Co 12:21.
Parts of, mentioned
God strengthens Ge 49:24.
God makes impotent Job 5:12.
Operations of, mentioned
Distinguished as
Many alike expert with both 1Ch 12:2.
Many had more command of the left Jdj 3:15,21; 20:16.
The right hand
The Jews carried a staff in, when walking Ex 12:11; 2Ki 4:29.
The Jews eat with Mt 26:23.
Were washed
Custom of domestics pouring water upon, alluded to 2Ki 3:11.
Servants directed by movements of Ps 123:2.
Kissed in idolatrous worship Job 31:27.
Treaties made by joining 2Ki 10:15; Pr 11:21.
Suretiship entered into by striking Job 17:3; Pr 6:1; 17:18; 22:26.
Were lifted up
Often spread out in prayer Ps 68:31; Isa 1:15.
Placed under the thigh of a person to whom an oath was made Ge 24:2,3; 47:29,31.
Clapped together in joy 2Ki 11:12; Ps 47:1.
Smitten together in extreme anger Nu 24:10; Eze 21:14,17.
Stretched out in derision Ho 7:5; Zep 2:15.
Imposition of, used in
Imposition of, a first principle of the doctrine of Christ Heb 6:1,2.
Should be employed
Of the wicked, described as
The wicked recompensed for the work of Ps 28:4; Pr 12:14; Isa 3:11.
Saints blessed in the work of De 2:7; 30:9; Job 1:10; Ps 90:17.
Criminals often
Right hand, illustrative
(Cutting off,) of extreme self-denial Mt 5:30.
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