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Torrey's New Topical Textbook
Idleness and Sloth.
Forbidden Ex 20:2,3; De 5:7.
Consists in
Is changing the glory of God into an image Ro 1:23; Ac 17:29.
Is changing the truth of God into a lie Ro 1:25; Isa 44:20.
Is a work of the flesh Ga 5:19,20.
Incompatible with the service of God Ge 35:2,3; Jos 24:23; 1Sa 7:3; 1Ki 18:21; 2Co 6:15,16.
Described as
They who practise
Objects of, numerous 1Co 8:5.
Objects of described as
Making idols for the purpose of, described and ridiculed Isa 44:10-20.
Obstinate sinners judicially given up to De 4:28; 28:64; Ho 4:17.
Warnings against De 4:15-19.
Exhortations to turn from Eze 14:6; 20:7; Ac 14:15.
Renounced on conversion 1Th 1:9.
Led to abominable sins Ro 1:26-32; Ac 15:20.
Saints should
Saints preserved by God from 1Ki 19:18; Ro 11:4.
Saints refuse to receive the worship of Ac 10:25,26; 14:11-15.
Angels refuse to receive the worship of Re 22:8,9.
Destruction of, promised Eze 36:25; Zec 13:2.
Everything connected with, should be destroyed Ex 34:13; De 7:5; 2Sa 5:21; 2Ki 23:14.
Woe denounced against Hab 2:19.
Curse denounced against De 27:15.
Punishment of
Zeal against-Exemplified
All forms of, forbidden by the law of Moses Ex 20:4,5.
All heathen nations given up to Ps 96:5; Ro 1:23,25; 1Co 12:2.
Led the heathen to think that their gods visited the earth in bodily shapes Ac 14:11.
Led the heathen to consider their gods to have but a local influence 1Ki 20:23; 2Ki 17:26.
Objects of
Temples built for Ho 8:14.
Altars raised for 1Ki 18:26; Ho 8:11.
Accompanied by feasts 2Ki 10:20; 1Co 10:27,28.
Objects of, worshipped
Rites of, obscene and impure Ex 32:25; Nu 25:1-3; 2Ki 17:9; Isa 57:6,8,9; 1Pe 4:3.
Divination connected with 2Ch 33:6.
Victims sacrificed in, often adorned with garlands Ac 14:13.
Idols, mentioned in Scripture
Objects of, carried in procession Isa 46:7; Am 5:26; Ac 7:43.
Early notice of, amongst God's professing people Ge 31:19,30; 35:1-4; Jos 24:2.
The Jews
Adopted by Solomon 1Ki 11:5-8.
Adopted by the wicked kings 1Ki 21:26; 2Ki 21:21; 2Ch 28:2-4; 33:3,7.
Example of the kings encouraged Israel in 1Ki 12:30; 2Ki 21:11; 2Ch 33:9.
Great prevalence of, in Israel Isa 2:8; Jer 2:28; Eze 8:10.
A virtual forsaking of God Jer 2:9-13.
The good kings of Judah endeavoured to destroy 2Ch 15:16; 34:7.
Captivity of Israel on account of 2Ki 17:6-18.
Captivity of Judah on account of 2Ki 17:19-23.
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