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Torrey's New Topical Textbook
Unjust, an abomination to God Pr 20:10.
The Jews not to be unjust in Le 19:35; De 25:14,15.
The Jews often used unjust Mic 6:10.
Of liquids and solids
Of length
Distances measured by rods and lines 2Sa 8:2; Jer 31:39; Eze 40:3; Re 21:16.
Were regulated by the standard of the sanctuary 1Ch 23:29.
(Correcting in measure,) of mitigated afflictions. Jer 30:11.
(Drinking tears in great measure,) of severe afflictions. Ps 80:5.
(Weighing the waters in a measure,) of God's infinite wisdom. Job 28:23,25.
(Measuring the dust of the earth,) of God's greatness. Isa 40:12.
(The measure of our days,) of the shortness of life. Ps 39:4.
(Drinking water, by measure) of severe famine. Eze 4:11,16.
(The measure of the stature of Christ,) of perfection. Eph 4:13.
(Opening the mouth without measure,) of the insatiableness of hell. Isa 5:14.
Meat Offerings.
Medo-Persian Kingdom.
Extended from India to Ethiopia Es 1:1.
Peopled by descendants of Eliam Ge 10:22.
Illustrated by
Shushan a chief city of Es 1:2; 8:15.
Achmetha or Ecbatana a chief city of Ezr 6:2.
Divided into many provinces Es 1:1; Da 6:1.
Laws of, unalterable Da 6:12,15.
Ruled by, absolute kings Es 3:8,11; 7:9.
Kings of, mentioned in scripture
Kings of
Celebrated for wise men Es 1:13; Mt 2:1.
People of, warlike Eze 27:10; 38:5.
Peculiar customs in Es 1:8; 2:12,13.
Babylon taken by the king of Da 5:20,31.
The Jews delivered from captivity by means of 2Ch 36:20,22,23; Ezr 1:1-4.
Predictions respecting
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