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Privileges of Saints.


Promises of God, The.

Prophecies Respecting Christ.

As the seed of the woman  Ge 3:15.
Fulfilled.  Ga 4:4.
As the seed of Abraham  Ge 17:7; 22:18.
Fulfilled.  Ga 3:16.
As the seed of Isaac  Ge 21:12.
Fulfilled.  Heb 11:17-19.
As the seed of David  Ps 132:11; Jer 23:5.
Fulfilled.  Ac 13:23; Ro 1:3.
His coming at a set time  Ge 49:10; Da 9:24,25.
Fulfilled.  Lu 2:1.
His being born a virgin  Isa 7:14.
Fulfilled.  Mt 1:22,23; Lu 2:7.
His being called Immanuel  Isa 7:14.
Fulfilled.  Mt 1:22,23.
His being born in Bethlehem of Judea  Mic 5:2.
Fulfilled.  Mt 2:1; Lu 2:4-6.
Great persons coming to adore him  Ps 72:10.
Fulfilled.  Mt 2:1-11.
The slaying of the children of Bethlehem  Jer 31:15.
Fulfilled.  Mt 2:16-18.
His being called out of Egypt  Ho 11:1.
Fulfilled.  Mt 2:15.
His being preceded by John the Baptist  Isa 40:3; Mal 3:1.
Fulfilled.  Mt 3:1,3; Lu 1:17.
His being anointed with the Spirit  Ps 45:7; Isa 11:2; 61:1.
Fulfilled.  Mt 3:16; Joh 3:34; Ac 10:38.
His being a Prophet like to Moses  De 18:15-18.
Fulfilled.  Ac 3:20-22.
His being a Priest after the order of Melchizedek  Ps 110:4.
Fulfilled.  Heb 5:5,6.
His entering on his public ministry  Isa 61:1,2.
Fulfilled.  Lu 4:16-21,43.
His ministry commencing in Galilee  Isa 9:1,2.
Fulfilled.  Mt 4:12-16,23.
His entering publicly into Jerusalem  Zec 9:9.
Fulfilled.  Mt 21:1-5.
His coming into the temple  Hag 2:7,9; Mal 3:1.
Fulfilled.  Mt 21:12; Lu 2:27-32; Joh 2:13-16.
His poverty  Isa 53:2.
Fulfilled.  Mr 6:3; Lu 9:58.
His meekness and want of ostentatious  Isa 42:2.
Fulfilled.  Mt 12:15,16,19.
His tenderness and compassion  Isa 40:11; 42:3.
Fulfilled.  Mt 12:15,20; Heb 4:15.
His being without guile  Isa 53:9.
Fulfilled.  1Pe 2:22.
His zeal  Ps 69:9.
Fulfilled.  Joh 2:17.
His preaching by parables  Ps 78:2.
Fulfilled.  Mt 13:34,35.
His working miracles  Isa 35:5,6.
Fulfilled.  Mt 11:4-6; Joh 11:47.
His bearing reproach  Ps 22:6; 69:7,9,20.
Fulfilled.  Ro 15:3.
His being rejected by his brethren  Ps 69:8; Isa 63:3.
Fulfilled.  Joh 1:11; 7:3.
His being a stone of stumbling to the Jews  Isa 8:14.
Fulfilled.  Ro 9:32; 1Pe 2:8.
His being hated by the Jews  Ps 69:4; Isa 49:7.
Fulfilled.  Joh 15:24,25.
His being rejected by the Jewish rulers  Ps 118:22.
Fulfilled.  Mt 21:42; Joh 7:48.
That the Jews and Gentiles should combine against Him  Ps 2:1,2.
Fulfilled.  Lu 23:12; Ac 4:27.
His being betrayed by a friend  Ps 41:9; 55:12-14.
Fulfilled.  Joh 13:18,21.
His disciples forsaking him  Zec 13:7.
Fulfilled.  Mt 26:31,56.
His being sold for thirty pieces silver  Zec 11:12.
Fulfilled.  Mt 26:15.
His price being given for the potter's field  Zec 11:13.
Fulfilled.  Mt 27:7.
The intensity of his sufferings  Ps 22:14,15.
Fulfilled.  Lu 22:42,44.
His sufferings being for others  Isa 53:4-6,12; Da 9:26.
Fulfilled.  Mt 20:28.
His patience and silence under suffering  Isa 53:7.
Fulfilled.  Mt 26:63; 27:12-14.
His being smitten on the cheek  Mic 5:1.
Fulfilled.  Mt 27:30.
His visage being marred  Isa 52:14; 53:3.
Fulfilled.  Joh 19:5.
His being spit on and scourged  Isa 50:6.
Fulfilled.  Mr 14:65; Joh 19:1.
His hands and feet being nailed to the cross  Ps 22:16.
Fulfilled.  Joh 19:18; 20:25.
His being forsaken by God  Ps 22:1.
Fulfilled.  Mt 27:46.
His being mocked  Ps 22:7,8.
Fulfilled.  Mt 27:39-44.
Gall and vinegar being given him to drink  Ps 69:21.
Fulfilled.  Mt 27:34.
His garments being parted, and lots cast for his vesture  Ps 22:18.
Fulfilled.  Mt 27:35.
His being numbered with the transgressors  Isa 53:12.
Fulfilled.  Mr 15:28.
His intercession for His murderers  Isa 53:12.
Fulfilled.  Lu 23:34.
His Death  Isa 53:12.
Fulfilled.  Mt 27:50.
That a bone of him should not be broken  Ex 12:46; Ps 34:20.
Fulfilled.  Joh 19:33,36.
His being pierced  Zec 12:10.
Fulfilled.  Joh 19:34,37.
His being buried with the rich  Isa 53:9.
Fulfilled.  Mt 27:57-60.
His flesh not seeing corruption  Ps 16:10.
Fulfilled.  Ac 2:31.
His resurrection  Ps 16:10; Isa 26:19.
Fulfilled.  Lu 24:6,31,34.
His ascension  Ps 68:18.
Fulfilled.  Lu 24:51; Ac 1:9.
His sitting on the right hand of God  Ps 110:1.
Fulfilled.  Heb 1:3.
His exercising the priestly office in heaven  Zec 6:13.
Fulfilled.  Ro 8:34.
His being the chief corner-stone of the Church  Isa 28:16.
Fulfilled.  1Pe 2:6,7.
His being King in Zion  Ps 2:6.
Fulfilled.  Lu 1:32; Joh 18:33-37.
The conversion of the Gentiles to him  Isa 11:10; 42:1.
Fulfilled.  Mt 1:17,21; Joh 10:16; Ac 10:45,47.
His righteous government  Ps 45:6,7.
Fulfilled.  Joh 5:30; Re 19:11.
His universal dominion  Ps 72:8; Da 7:14.
Fulfilled.  Php 2:9,11.
The perpetuity of his kingdom  Isa 9:7; Da 7:14.
Fulfilled.  Lu 1:32,33.

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