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Torrey's New Topical Textbook
Is the foretelling of future events Ge 49:1; Nu 24:14.
God is the author of Isa 44:7; 45:21.
God gives, through Christ Re 1:1.
A gift of Christ Eph 4:11; Re 11:3.
A gift of the Holy Spirit 1Co 12:10.
Came not by the will of man 2Pe 1:21.
Given from the beginning Lu 1:70.
Is a sure word 2Pe 1:19.
They who uttered
God accomplishes Isa 44:26; Ac 3:18.
Christ the great subject of Ac 3:22-24; 10:43; 1Pe 1:10,11.
Fulfilled respecting Christ Lu 24:44.
Gift of, promised Joe 2:28; Ac 2:16,17.
Is for the benefit of after ages 1Pe 1:12.
Is a light in dark place 2Pe 1:19.
Is not of private interpretation 2Pe 1:20.
Despise not 1Th 5:20.
Give heed to 2Pe 1:19.
Receive in faith 2Ch 20:20; Lu 24:25.
Blessedness of reading, hearing, and keeping Re 1:3; 22:7.
Guilt of pretending to the gift of Jer 14:14; 23:13,14; Eze 13:2,3.
Punishment for
Gift of, sometimes possessed by unconverted men Nu 24:2-9; 1Sa 19:20,23; Mt 7:22; Joh 11:49-51; 1Co 13:2.
How tested De 13:1-3; 18:22.
God spoke of old by Ho 12:10; Heb 1:1.
The messengers of God 2Ch 36:15; Isa 44:26.
The servants of God Jer 35:15.
The watchmen of Israel Eze 3:17.
Were called
Were esteemed as holy men 2Ki 4:9.
Women sometimes endowed as Joe 2:28.
God communicated to
Were under the influence of the Holy Spirit while prophesying Lu 1:67; 2Pe 1:21.
Spoke in the name of the Lord 2Ch 33:18; Eze 3:11; Jas 5:10.
Frequently spoke in parables and riddles 2Sa 12:1-6; Isa 5:1-7; Eze 17:2-10.
Frequently in their actions, &c were made signs to the people Isa 20:2-4; Jer 19:1,10,11; 27:2,3; 43:9; 51:63; Eze 4:1-13; 5:1-4; 7:23; 12:3-7; 21:6,7; 24:1-24; Ho 1:2-9.
Frequently left without divine communication on account of sins of the people 1Sa 28:6; La 2:9; Eze 7:26.
Were required
Sometimes received divine communications and uttered predictions under great bodily and mental excitement Jer 23:9; Eze 3:14,15; Da 7:28; 10:8; Hab 3:2,16.
Sometimes uttered their predictions in verse De 32:44; Isa 5:1.
Often accompanied by music while predicting 1Sa 10:5; 2Ki 3:15.
Often committed their predictions to writing 2Ch 21:12; Jer 36:2.
Writings of, read in the synagogues every Sabbath Lu 4:17; Ac 13:15.
Frequently married men 2Ki 4:1; Eze 24:18.
Wore a coarse dress of hair-cloth 2Ki 1:8; Zec 13:4; Mt 3:4; Re 11:3.
Often led a wandering and unsettled life 1Ki 18:10-12; 19:3,8,15; 2Ki 4:10.
Simple in their manner of life Mt 3:4.
The historiographers of the Jewish nation 1Ch 29:29; 2Ch 9:29.
The interpreters of dreams Da 1:17.
Were consulted in all difficulties 1Sa 9:6; 28:15; 1Ki 14:2-4; 22:7.
Presented with gifts by those who consulted them 1Sa 9:7,8; 1Ki 14:3.
Sometimes thought it right to reject presents 2Ki 5:15,16.
Were sent to
Felt deeply on account of the calamities which they predicted Isa 16:9-11; Jer 9:1-7.
Predictions of
Assisted the Jews in their great national undertakings Ezr 5:2.
Mentioned in scripture
Enoch. Ge 5:21-24; Jude 1:14.
Noah. Ge 9:25-27.
Jacob. Ge 49:1.
Aaron. Ex 7:1.
Moses. De 18:18.
Miriam. Ex 15:20.
Deborah. Jdj 4:4.
Prophet set to Israel. Jdj 6:8.
Prophet sent to Eli. 1Sa 2:27.
Samuel. 1Sa 3:20.
David. Ps 16:8-11; Ac 2:25,30.
Nathan. 2Sa 7:2; 12:1; 1Ki 1:10.
Zadok. 2Sa 15:27.
Gad. 2Sa 24:11; 1Ch 29:29.
Ahijah. 1Ki 11:29; 12:15; 2Ch 9:29.
Prophet of Judah. 1Ki 13:1.
Iddo. 2Ch 9:29; 12:15.
Shemaiah. 1Ki 12:22; 2Ch 12:7,15.
Azariah the son of Oded. 2Ch 15:2,8.
Hanani. 2Ch 16:7.
Jehu the son of Hanani. 1Ki 16:1,7,12.
Elijah. 1Ki 17:1.
Elisha. 1Ki 19:16.
Micaiah the son of Imlah. 1Ki 22:7,8.
Jonah. 2Ki 14:25; Jon 1:1; Mt 12:39.
Isaiah. 2Ki 19:2; 2Ch 26:22; Isa 1:1.
Hosea. Ho 1:1.
Amos. Am 1:1; 7:14,15.
Micah. Mic 1:1.
Oded. 2Ch 28:9.
Nahum. Na 1:1.
Joel. Joe 1:1; Ac 2:16.
Zephaniah. Zep 1:1.
Huldah. 2Ki 22:14.
Jeduthun. 2Ch 35:15.
Jeremiah. 2Ch 36:12,21; Jer 1:1,2.
Habakkuk. Hab 1:1.
Obadiah. Ob 1:1.
Ezekiel. Eze 1:3.
Daniel. Da 12:11; Mt 24:15.
Haggai. Ezr 5:1; 6:14; Hag 1:1.
Zechariah son of Iddo. Ezr 5:1; Zec 1:1.
Malachi. Mal 1:1.
Zacharias the father of John. Lu 1:67.
Anna. Lu 2:36.
Agabus. Ac 11:28; 21:10.
Daughters of Philip. Ac 21:9.
Paul. 1Ti 4:1.
Peter. 2Pe 2:1,2.
John. Re 1:1.
One generally attached to the king's household 2Sa 24:11; 2Ch 29:25; 35:15.
The Jews
Were mighty through faith Heb 11:32-40.
Great patience of, under suffering Jas 5:10.
God avenged all injuries done to 2Ki 9:7; 1Ch 16:21,22; Mt 23:35-38; Lu 11:50.
Christ predicted to exercise the office of De 18:15; Ac 3:22.
Christ exercised the office of Mt 24:1-25:46; Mr 10:32-34.
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