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Torrey's New Topical Textbook
The true riches Eph 3:8; 1Co 1:30; Col 2:3; 1Pe 2:7.
God gives 1Sa 2:7; Ec 5:19.
To God belongs this world's riches Hag 2:8.
God gives power to obtain De 8:18.
The blessing of the Lord brings Pr 10:22.
Give worldly power Pr 22:7.
Described as
Often an obstruction to the reception of the gospel Mr 10:23-25.
Deceitfulness of, chokes the word Mt 13:22.
The love of, the root of all evil 1Ti 6:10.
Often lead to
Life consists not in abundance of Lu 12:15.
Be not over-anxious for Pr 30:8.
Labour not for Pr 23:4.
They who covet
Profit not in the day of wrath Pr 11:4.
Cannot secure prosperity Jas 1:11.
Cannot redeem the soul Ps 49:6-9; 1Pe 1:18.
Cannot deliver in the day of God's wrath Zep 1:18; Re 6:15-17.
They who possess, should
Heavenly treasures superior to Mt 6:19,20.
Of the wicked laid up for the just Pr 13:22.
The wicked
Vanity of heaping up Ps 39:6; Ec 5:10,11.
Guilt of trusting in Job 31:24,28; Eze 28:4,5,8.
Guilt of rejoicing in Job 31:25,28.
Denunciations against those who
Danger of misusing-Illustrated Lu 16:19-25.
Examples of saints possessing
Examples of those truly rich Mt 5:8; 8:10; 13:45,46; Lu 10:42; Joh 1:45; Php 3:8; Jas 2:5; 1Pe 2:7; Re 3:18.
Examples of wicked men possessing
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