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Torrey's New Topical Textbook
Simeon, the Tribe Of.
Descended from Jacob's second son by Leah Ge 29:33.
Predictions respecting Ge 49:5-7.
Persons selected from
Formed part of the second division of Israel in their journeys Nu 10:18,19.
Encamped under the standard of Reuben south of the tabernacle Nu 2:12.
Strength of, on leaving Egypt Nu 1:22,23; 2:13.
Offering of, at the dedication Nu 7:36-41.
Families of Nu 26:12-13.
Strength of, on entering Canaan Nu 26:14.
Plagued for following the idolatry, of Midian, which accounts for their decrease Nu 25:9,14; 26:14; 1:23.
On Mount Gerizim said amen to the blessings De 27:12.
Inheritance of, within Judah Jos 19:1-8.
Bounds of their inheritance with cities and villages Jos 19:2-8; 1Ch 4:28-33.
United with Judah in expelling the Canaanites from their inheritance Jdj 1:3,17.
Many of, at the coronation of David 1Ch 12:25.
Officer appointed over, by David 1Ch 27:16.
Part of, united with Judah under Asa 2Ch 15:9.
Josiah purged their land of idols 2Ch 34:6.
Part of, destroyed the remnant of the Amalekites, and dwelt in their land 1Ch 4:39-43.
Is the transgression of the law 1Jo 3:4.
Is of the devil 1Jo 3:8; Joh 8:44.
All unrighteousness is 1Jo 5:17.
Omission of what we know to be good is Jas 4:17.
Whatever is not of faith is Ro 14:23.
The thought of foolishness is Pr 24:9.
All the imaginations of the unrenewed heart are Ge 6:5; 8:21.
Described as
Entered into the world by Adam Ge 3:6,7; Ro 5:12.
All men are conceived and born in Ge 5:3; Job 15:14; 25:4; Ps 51:5.
All men are shapen in Ps 51:5.
Scripture concludes all under Ga 3:22.
No man is without 1Ki 8:46; Ec 7:20.
Christ alone was without 2Co 5:21; Heb 4:15; 7:26; 1Jo 3:5.
The Law
No man can cleanse himself from Job 9:30,31; Pr 20:9; Jer 2:22.
No man can atone for Mic 6:7.
God has opened a fountain for Zec 13:1.
Christ was manifested to take away Joh 1:29; 1Jo 3:5.
Christ's blood redeems from Eph 1:7.
Christ's blood cleanses from 1Jo 1:7.
The fear of God restrains Ex 20:20; Ps 4:4; Pr 16:6.
The word of God keeps from Ps 17:4; 119:11.
The Holy Spirit convinces of Joh 16:8,9.
If we say that we have no, we make God a liar 1Jo 1:10.
Confusion of face belongs to those guilty of Da 9:7,8.
Should be
Specially strive against besetting Heb 12:1.
Aggravated by neglecting advantages Lu 12:47; Joh 15:22.
Guilt of concerning Job 31:33; Pr 28:13.
We should pray to God
Prayer hindered by Ps 66:18; Isa 59:2.
Blessings withheld on account of Jer 5:25.
The wicked
Servants to. Joh 8:34; Ro 6:16.
Dead in. Eph 2:1.
Guilty of, in everything they do. Pr 21:4; Eze 21:24.
Plead necessity for. 1Sa 13:11,12.
Excuse. Ge 3:12,13; 1Sa 15:13-15.
Encourage themselves in. Ps 64:5.
Defy God in committing. Isa 5:18,19.
Boast of. Isa 3:9.
Make a mock at. Pr 14:9.
Expect impunity in. Ps 10:11; 50:21; 94:7.
Cannot cease from. 2Pe 2:14.
Heap up. Ps 78:17; Isa 30:1.
Encouraged in, by prosperity. Job 21:7-15; Pr 10:16.
Led by despair to continue in. Jer 2:25; 18:12.
Try to conceal, from God. Ge 3:8,10; Job 31:33.
Throw the blame of, on God. Ge 3:12; Jer 7:10.
Throw the blame of, on others. Ge 3:12,13; Ex 32:22-24.
Tempt others to. Ge 3:6; 1Ki 16:2; 21:25; Pr 1:10-14.
Delight in those who commit. Ps 10:3; Ho 7:3; Ro 1:32.
Shall bear the shame of. Eze 16:52.
Shall find out the wicked Nu 32:23.
Ministers should warn the wicked to forsake Eze 33:9; Da 4:27.
Leads to
The ground was cursed on account of Ge 3:17,18.
Toil and sorrow originated in Ge 3:16,17,19; Job 14:1.
Excludes from heaven 1Co 6:9,10; Ga 5:19-21; Eph 5:5; Re 21:27.
When finished brings forth death Jas 1:15.
Death, the wages of Ro 6:23.
Death, the punishment of Ge 2:17; Eze 18:4.
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