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Torrey's New Topical Textbook
Theocracy, The, or Immediate Government By God.
Lasted from the deliverance out of Egypt until the appointment of kings Ex 19:4-6; 1Sa 8:7.
Was established on
Consisted in his
The tabernacle designed as a royal residence for God during Ex 25:8; Le 26:11,12.
The emblem of the divine presence appeared over the tabernacle during Nu 9:15,16.
Guilt of Israel in rejecting 1Sa 2:17.
The tenth of anything 1Sa 8:15,17.
Antiquity of the custom of giving to God's ministers Ge 14:20; Heb 7:6.
Considered a just return to God for his blessings Ge 28:22.
Under the law belonged to God Le 27:30.
Consisted of a tenth
Given by God to the Levites for their services Nu 18:21,24; Ne 10:37.
The tenth of, offered by the Levites as an heave offering to God Nu 18:26,27.
The tenth of, given by the Levites to the priests as their portion Nu 18:26,28; Ne 10:38.
Reasonableness of appointing, for the Levites Nu 18:20,23,24; Jos 13:33.
When redeemed to a fifth part of the value added Le 27:31.
Punishment for changing Le 27:33.
The Jews slow in giving Ne 13:10.
The Jews reproved for withholding Mal 3:8.
The pious governors of Israel caused the payment of 2Ch 31:5; Ne 13:11,12.
Rulers appointed over, for distributing 2Ch 31:12; Ne 13:13.
The Pharisees scrupulous in paying Lu 11:42; 18:12.
A second
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