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Torrey's New Topical Textbook
Usury or Interest.
The lending of money or other property for increase Le 25:37.
Those enriched by unlawful, not allowed to enjoy their gain Ps 28:8.
The curse attending the giving or receiving of unlawful, alluded to Jer 15:10.
The Jews
True and faithful Israelites never took, from their brethren Ps 15:5; Eze 18:8,9.
Judgments denounced against those who exacted unlawful Isa 24:1,2; Eze 18:13.
Illustrative of the improvement of talents received from God Mt 25:27; Lu 19:23.
Vail or Veil.
A covering for the head usually worn by women Ge 38:14.
Was worn
The removing of, considered rude and insolent Song 5:7.
Removing of, threatened as a punishment to ungodly women Isa 3:23.
Moses put one on to conceal the glory of his face Ex 34:33; 2Co 3:13.
Of the spiritual blindness of the Gentile nations. Isa 25:7.
Of the spiritual blindness of the Jewish nation. 2Co 3:14-16.
Vail, the Sacred.
A consequence of the fall Ro 8:20.
Every man is Ps 39:11.
Every state of man is Ps 62:9.
Man at his best estate is Ps 39:5.
Man is like to Ps 144:4.
The thoughts of man are Ps 94:11.
The days of man are Job 7:16; Ec 6:12.
Childhood and youth are Ec 11:10.
The beauty of man is Ps 39:11; Pr 31:30.
The help of man in Ps 60:11; La 4:17.
Man's own righteousness is Isa 57:12.
Worldly wisdom is Ec 2:15,21; 1Co 3:20.
Worldly pleasure is Ec 2:1.
Worldly anxiety Ps 39:6; 127:2.
Worldly labour is Ec 2:11; 4:4.
Worldly enjoyment is Ec 2:3,10,11.
Worldly possessions are Ec 2:4-11.
Treasures of wickedness are Pr 10:2.
Heaping up riches is Ec 2:26; 4:8.
Love of riches is Ec 5:10.
Unblessed riches are Ec 6:2.
Riches gotten by falsehood are Pr 21:6.
All earthly things are Ec 1:2.
Foolish questions, &c are 1Ti 1:6,7; 6:20; 2Ti 2:14,16; Tit 3:9.
The conduct of the ungodly is 1Pe 1:18.
The religion of hypocrites is Jas 1:26.
The worship of the wicked is Isa 1:13; Mt 6:7.
Lying words are Jer 7:8.
False teaching is but Jer 23:32.
Mere external religion is 1Ti 4:8; Heb 13:9.
Alms giving without charity is 1Co 13:3.
Faith without works is Jas 2:14.
Idolatry is 2Ki 17:15; Ps 31:6; Isa 44:9,10; Jer 10:8; 18:15.
Wealth gotten by, diminishes Pr 13:11.
The wicked
Fools follow those given to Pr 12:11.
Following those given to, leads to poverty Pr 28:19.
They who trust in, rewarded with Job 15:31.
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